The project is coming to an end and we can say that, despite the difficulties generated by the pandemic context, we managed to achieve our goals and we obtained beautiful results that are worth sharing with others.
The teasers of the products made by students in entrepreneurial clubs, the brochure on national innovations and the lesson plans made within the project can be good practices and can certainly stimulate the interest of other students to study these disciplines which are not easy at all but they can provide huge satisfactions - mathematics and science. Therefore, a first dissemination took place within the local community in Târgoviște, Romania, more precisely, within the Association "Ambassadors of Friendship" whose members are teachers at many schools in the city. The pandemic context forbids the development of physical mobility, but this does not stop us from continuing our projects in online format (virtual or blended learning). This is also the case of the final event of the EDINN (Educate to Innovate) project, which kept us in front of the computers for three days (February 22-24, 2021), at a maximum level of interest. Originally scheduled to take place in the Czech Republic, the event, which was intended to be an Innovation Festival, brought together students and teachers from Romania, the Czech Republic, Finland, Italy and Portugal to present their STEAM products made within the project, in a scenario based on high-level communication and interaction. The festival began with the presentation of the participating teams and countries, providing opportunities for knowledge and inter-knowledge activities to facilitate the understanding of diversity and national specificities in the context of a union whose values we value and promote. The activities were followed by the application of evaluation questionnaires, meant to measure the degree to which the proposed objectives were achieved and, according to the data below, it seems that although for a long time the activities did not take place with the intensity and frequency of at first, students' interest in math and science increased. ![]() The meeting with local entrepreneurs made it easier for us to discover original business ideas, understand the mechanism by which creativity becomes an asset, an competitive advantage in an extremely dynamic market, and the skills they appreciate when recruiting new employees. , Problem solving being among the most sought after.
The event culminated with the presentation of films presenting the products made by students, of which we present, below, those made by students of the Economic College "Ion Ghica".
Discussions about the project, about the products made or simply about how the school can influence your professional choices, continued electronically (as befits some "digital natives"), in a space specially designed for this meeting with the help of the games platform - Gather town. (
What happens to the information absorbed by a black hole? Is it destroyed or just transformed?
These are the questions that concern Danut, the student from „Ion Ghica„ Economic College. We hope that time will give him the opportunity to respond to them... Dear friends, tomorrow we start the winter holidays and, because the pandemic situation prevents us from spending this holiday in exotic places, we will use this opportunity to remind ourselves that nothing in the world can replace the warmth of the family, we will remember to appreciate the moments spent together and simple joys. We wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year in which to apply all the lessons learned in the pandemic RO and FI
Why do we love geometry? .... it seems that the geometric shapes have no prejudices and can be molded on any portrait, regardless of skin color, nationality, religion or sexual orientation. The word meme is a shortening (modeled on gene) of mimeme (from Ancient Greek μίμημα "imitated thing") coined by British evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins in The Selfish Gene (1976) as a concept for discussion of evolutionary principles in explaining the spread of ideas and cultural phenomena. Examples of memes given in the book included melodies, catchphrases, fashion, and the technology of building arches.
Below you will find some MEMEs created by our students in order to catch the feelings and thoughts they have about Math and Sciences.
October 24th was a special day for students from Economic College "Ion Ghica" Targoviste, because the workshop we organized, called „Illusion and perspective„ was the opportunity to discover a wonderful world, a world of volumes, perspectives, created by our senses.
The students of the Economic College went on a fantastic journey on Monday, one that would awaken their senses that they did not know they had. The magic of colors, the waltz of light and reflection games, the artworks created using the kaleidoscope, or the 3D perspectives created by the inspired canvases were able to provide our students with a fantastic learning experience.
For the students from the Economic College, engineering is a real challenge, which is why we congratulate the students who got involved in setting up the two big trolleys to support the two TVs purchased for a better development of the project activities.
2 of the pictures taken during the activities of the EDINN project were chosen to be published into the etwinning calendar 2020. Check here for August and September. Radim Jadrníček
Scienice and art or Science or art Is it possible for science and art to work together or have nothing in common? You will find an answer in this text. In the first view it seems to impossible science and art work together but it is not true. We can find many people who proving us that science and art can get together to create incredible things. Art is often introspective while science is extrospective. You might say art is used to understand the consciousness while science is used to understand the externa If you don’t know Neil Harbisson you should remember this name because he is first cyborg in the world. Neil Harbisson is color-blind. For this reason the doctors installed an antenna in his head so he can hear the colors. Neil said the reason for his decision was primarily artistic. Therefore, Neil sees colors as sounds, so he wears clothes by sound, draws images by sound in short, he lives life so that he can listen to it. Nowadays, in this modern world anything is practically possible, so we can be grateful for it. We have to be glad that science and art can cooperate with each other to create something new. Albert Einstein said ”the most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science” Magdalena Růžičková Art & Science There are people interested in science and people interested in art. But how many of them can imagine combine art and science together? Science is superior to so many specilizations and I think you can find at least small trace of art in all of them. If you think of it, in math there is geometry and so many artists are ispirated by geometric shapes it’s often used in paintings. Another artists get inspired in nature and everything they see around themselves. Pure nature or new technologies? Its doesnt matter because both of them can belong under science. Many artists wouldn’t be able to show their art without knowledge of some scientific things. Sculptors must have knowledges of chemics and physics to choose the perfect material or to know how to work with it. Carvers creating wooden sculptures must know biology to choose the perfect tree they will work with. I personally think that every specilization of art is connected in some way with science. What do you think? Science and Math experiments had become an attraction on the first day of the school year, due to our EDINN students and teachers who made an original introduction of our school to the freshmen.
A short answer to the eternal question „How to make possible intergalactic travels„? gave it by the students of Economic College „Ion Ghica„ Târgoviste. A greenscreen and a lot of pictures. Convert to png and add the background....
Students visited the nuclear power station in Dukovany and water power station in Dalešice. They found out that through all nature principles there are also pieces of art
March has meant a new challenge for students at the "Ion Ghica" Economic College to participate in an unusual competition (or perhaps not) when it comes to STEAM, a literary competition. The competition consisted of producing a story of about. 500 words, "Art and Science - A Personal Story", where students describe a personal experience where art has met happily with science. The competition is, at the same time, a way of selecting the three participants in the exchange of pupils to be held from 26 to 31 May 2019 in Castroverde, Portugal. In addition, we will award a prize to a student who will take part in a robotic circle for a period of three months. Below are the winners and ... their stories. Colours attract you like a magnet – Diana Anghel It was the end of May, and summer began to make its presence felt. The playful, warm sun rays beat violently among the drapes and spilt over the white sheets scattered all over my desk. I remember having a project to physics about magnetism and staying for hours in front of the desk without any idea. I was stressed, I was playing with a magnet through my fingers, and I was thinking what use I could assign it in daily life. At one point, my brother entered the room and gladly asked him to help me. I saw how he took the remote, turned on the TV and came over to me and asked for my magnet. He approached the TV and he started moving the magnet slowly, a short distance away from the screen. Suddenly, an abstract drawing, made up of blue, green and red circles, appeared on the screen over the image that had remained intact underneath. He quickly picked up the magnet because he was afraid of spoiling the TV and told me he didn't know its another use in daily life. Even though I knew it hadn't happened in that way, the colours seemed to be attracted to the magnet as though you would have painted with them. I had an idea, although I wasn't too sure about it. The next day, at my insistence, I went with my father to his job. When I arrived, I immediately went to a room inside the warehouse where I have known the paints are kept. I found pretty fast what I was looking for and excited I took the first box that came to my hand and I removed the lid. It was a dark green. I moved the magnet over the colour, and I watched how the colour began to disturb and take the direction of the magnet. I smiled, I turned the box to the ingredients and I saw that has particles of iron powder in its composition. It's called ferromagnetic paint and it wasn't used at cars how I originally thought. I used a syringe to take samples of four colours: red, yellow, blue and white, combining them to get more shades. Later, on the same day, I went to a building materials store and bought a small sheet of building board because we needed a material that would allow the magnetic field to pass to the paint. I put a few drops on the sheet, and on the back, I put the magnet. A fine line went along with the magnet on the surface, combining with the other colours encountered in the path. "The painting" could be qualified as abstract art, depending on how you see it. However, my teacher was impressed by the idea and I got away from the project well. Using a magnet to try to paint can be difficult and complicated, but at the same time interesting and different. The fact that the magnet can attract some iron-containing colours demonstrates that science and art can combine to create something unique to each one's eyes. Art and science, a personal story - Alexandru Paunescu You may have thought that science and art are not related to each other and that they are different, wrong, they are closer than we might think. For example: the wonderful phone that makes us the best day contains the two great areas of science art because a designer designed the shape of the phone to look more beautiful and to sell better and on the science side had to conceive on the hardware side a well-insulated, voltage-resistant system and other elements in physics, the battery is made with the help of chemistry and physical science. I have been in robotics for some time and I can say it's a fascinating activity that takes my time learning new things. Certainly here we find art too, being on the programming side, I need a rich imagination to see what the robot would do in that case, and science to help in choosing the right materials and engines. Idea, in robotics, we are a team formed only by high school students, we participate in an annual competition called FTC and every year they come with something different , this year we have to do a robot that gathers cubes and spheres under the command of two members and a part in which it will break down itself, and it has to make some demands. The second experience I had was an older one, and it is deeper and relates to physics, the atomic/nuclear/ quantum physical branches. I know it's a boring field for some or very complicated but for me, it's relaxation and I can easily imagine a lot of theories. The physics class I learned in the fourth grade, starting to like my idea of science, later learning in classes 6-7 of these physical branches. I have always liked to study and deepen them, considering that the world is conceived of, and whatever is done today are developments and branches that have emerged to create what we see nowadays. I'm not going to talk very much, but they'll have examples of some achievements with their help: - Optical fibre - lasers (when detecting different radiation) - the cars - Microscope There are some examples of man-made achievements and improved with these branches. The third experience was on the part of mechanics, a field that I like to do in my spare time and I can apply it in games simulating the reality quite well, and in fact, I have a smaller ATV where I fix it and try I'm improving it. Sciences are defended because the engine is driven by an internal explosion and this generates forces and art, we just know the design of today's cars that are beautiful and what we are attracting to buy them. This is what my father does with my father's help, and he teaches me everything he knows. In the future, I would like to have a car tuning workshop just passionate and become a white-haired scientist looking like she was plugged in😁😂. Insights - Stănescu Ștefan, cls. a X-a D Science and art are generally seen as two different areas, although they share common points, support and complement each other. A very good example can be an electronic microscope. It can help us to grow an object up to a million times. In order to make an idea a yarn from a spider web is 100 times thinner than the human hair. This image is assembled with the help of science and the new look of the cloth will help young artists with new inspiration in the field art Leonardo da Vinci is known as a great painter and a universal spirit was passionate about the field of anatomy, music, botany and many others. He will always be known for creating famous paintings Mona Lisa, remaining a great image of art. What he does not know much the world is that da Vinci was the first man to design in a few sketches a machine that should fly inspired by bird wings by combining its main arts and science domains. For a teenager quite interested in the unknown, I was passionate about SF films. The concept of art appears here through the imagination and the talent for creating the characters and the realization of a very well designed frame through aesthetic details. The concept of science appears in creating a script of the stories in detail where the effects of the film differ from year to year in the good you are good to me. This area of films is very interesting to me by enriching your imagination for a positive purpose and by the way it is brought to life through the help of actors, stuntmen and special effects. The story of the film is based on a lot of failures but only with the help of science has managed to excel. In conclusion, art and science can be seen from two different points of view, but they can be combined in some situations to create something very beautiful. Icon - Nicola Ghinea (9A)
It was a wonderful spring day, the week before Easter, and I was in the 4th grade when the painter Bob Nicolescu, a very good family friend, came to visit us. He began to tell that he had initiated a project with students at Leresti School, Arges, where they were to make an exhibition of painted icons on the glass for Easter. The participants in this activity were children from primary to secondary classes. Bob's story caught my eye and became curious, especially because I couldn't imagine how children who had no connection with arts would be able to accomplish in such a short time, about a week, an exhibition. Bob explained to me that the art of painting icons on glass belongs to the category of folk art and belongs exclusively to Transylvanian craftsmen. It is said that they work on models (izvod, izvor) that they periodically draw and execute these wonderful icons. It is also said that these are older than 200-300 years. The icons crafted by craftsmanship families who pass this job from generation to generation. Each member of the family carries out a part of the work and the one who is actually considered to be master draws the drawing and finishes the work. The icons on the glass aren't signed, they aren't the creation of a single artist. In the context of this discussion in which I was explained that there is a special technique for that and patience and the desire to pain your own icon, I can join with this group for my first painting exhibition on the glass. I made my luggage and left with Bob to Leresti, which is a very beautiful locality near Campulung Muscel with fresh mountain air and I went to this workshop that was right in the courtyard of the church in Leresti. I met children and I started working. There were many people then and they all had their own work to expose. Surely Bob couldn't provide us with the 200-300 years old sources, but each of us chose a technique from the old icons and started working by following the steps that the master points to. I started with the drawing on the paper, I prepared the bottle that must be colourless at which thickness is very important influencing the final result, respectively the colour can be blurred or lit, we polished the edges in order not to accuse us and degreased it very well so as to be possible to print the colours. When making the drawing on the sheet, it must be taken into account that the images will appear in the mirror. The prepared glass is placed over the drawn sheet and is black outlined on it. Then cover with a layer of oil or a special spray and leave it for a day. Then painting itself begins by first staining the faces, hands, and parts of the body that are seen. Apply the white colour first, following the lighter colours. For shadows, black is never used; instead, colours are only combined with blue or green. In fact, black in this painting is used only for contours. Finally, the clothes and the background are painted. And so I managed to have my own painted icon on the bottle. Each Easter from then on reminded me of this exhibition and the fact that anything is possible when you follow rules, you are guided by a master and you really want to do something. |
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